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Last night was full of delicious food and lots of little noshes. I finished off work with a giant pear and an Oatmeal Raisin Quaker Chewy Bar. I then met my sweetie at the food store for the 12 hour produce sale! We got lots of goodies – bananas, onions, potatoes, apples, cantaloupe, peppers, butter, tofu, yogurts, frozen tater tots, frozen peppers, plus other munchies for under $20!! It was fabulous and now my fridge and counter are stocked with fresh veggies and fruits, and lots of healthy ingredients here and there. Love that feeling! Money Saving Tip: go online once a week and read the circulars from your local food stores, you can get some STELLAR deals for healthy items that normal might be a little pricey!

Last night I made Mac and Cheese, which I had with a huge side salad drizzled with balsamic! Mmm! I forgot to snap pictures, which I really need to be more diligent about, it’s good to see what I am putting into my body. We then went on a short, but speedy walk. I then made some homemade Salt & Vinegar Chick Peas – holy yummy! I think I will top my salad with these tonight. I felt rushed last night because we had to make it to a concert last night, so my exercise wasn’t as good as it could’ve been. And then I found myself noshing when I got home, with a big cup of camomille tea. I am heading to the gym today for a nice, long workout! And boy, am I looking forward to it. Tonight’s dinner will be a big salad, with some cheese, basalmic, chick peas, grated carrot, and who knows what other goodies I will throw in there! 🙂

This morning started out with Overnight Oats (HUGE scoop of PB, I LOVE that stuff)  like yesterday, except I got a picture before I dug in! I am so happy it’s Friday and I am enjoying my coconut coffee as well. My goal is trying to drink 2 nalgenes of water before 3:30 today (That would be 64 oz of water). I need to get more water in my system! I am working on incorporating more healthy habits into my life. I’ve read that it takes 30 days to form a habit. Here are some habits I would love to form:
1) Drink more water.
2) Eat more whole grains, less refined products.
3) Keep active (do something active every day).
4) Continue to cook more homemade.
5) Keep workouts fun!

Slowly but surely, my body has felt so much better eating the way I have and exercise. I think it’s been worth it so far! 😉

Nothing like coming into work with a passive aggressive co-worker. Oh well. The day is still young.

Last night, I was exhausted. I did not get very much done. We got a new dryer though! We walked around Home Depot and found a stellar deal which had a 10% discount off of it – with free delivery, install, and haul away. How could we go wrong? It’s super nice and exciting – we should have it in several days (they had to order it) – but it’s one more thing crossed off the list and this bad boy should last us a while!

So I have been horrible at tracking my dinner (meaning, not taking pictures or really doing anything at all). Last night’s dinner consisted of Digornio pizza spread with some homemade pesto! I dipped my pizza in Saracha, of course! I had three pieces and I was set for the rest of the night. I did not exercise last night, after looking at dryers and then getting settled back in at home (i.e., straigtening up). We heated up a pizza and then I crashed on the couch. I NEED to start exercise again. I am going to do a DVD tonight, most likely 30 Day Shred or Power Yoga. Once the weekend hits (it’s my bday!), I am going to start hitting the gym again too. My bathing suits are hanging out at UPS. Need to get those too. Today has started off busy but I really need to work out, I am starting to feel “doughy” and “jiggly”. Not a good feeling. I think I may have gotten close to my water goal but didn’t quite make it. Trying again today. Drinking two Nalgenes today! And….go!

Breakfast today cosisted of a palmful of nuts and my standard coconut coffee. But then I got hungry (obviously) like an hour later. So I had my applesauce – which filled me up! I just finished my coffee so I am on my way to rinse my mug and filled it up with some hot Organic Green Tea. I used to drink a lot of tea, and I have been slacking lately. It was so good for me and I would drink that instead of snacking mindlessly. Plus the antioxidants in the tea are great for me. I need to drink more water though – that just needs to be done.

Just getting out of college and starting my first “real” job. I love finding tips for being frugal and saving every little bit I can!
Money Saving Tip: check money saving blogs and request for all the free samples you want! You’d never guess it, but it saves a ton. You get coupons usually with the free samples, and the samples last for about a week or more depending on the size. Also, they are great travel size items that you don’t have to pay for! Great for flying or that road trip you need to take.

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May 2024


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